Autumn is now well & truly upon us - The leaves are starting to turn brown, there’s a bit of a chill in the air in the morning, and as the racing ‘season’ starts to draw to a close as does the amount of karting I’ve got lined up. That and of course the need to start saving up for Christmas presents & whatnot!
My racing activity in September was limited to the final round of the Castle Combe Adult Championship, in which I under-performed even by my own modest standards, never truly getting a ‘feel’ for any of the karts I was allocated - the only highlight being a battle with Sam Slater in one the heat races where I managed to keep him behind until half way through the final lap, until he made a (fair) lunge to steal the position from me. Other than that there wasn’t much to write home about if I’m being honest. My congratulations go to the Top 3 drivers in the championship- Mike Seabourne, Jacob Lewis and Thomas Cardno who have all had fantastic seasons. 13th overall in the standings (out of 60 registered drivers) isn’t what I was hoping for at the start of the year, and despite the quality of the drivers and events put on by Drive Tech Ltd I feel that I’m going to have to give it a fair bit of thought before committing to doing the whole series again in 2019.. but watch this space!
Between now and the end of the year any karting will most likely just consist of a few outings at Teamsport Bristol, and potentially a trip up to Formula Fast in Milton Keynes as my ‘preparations’ for BRKC ‘19 start to get underway. Again, I’ll be sure to post another update as soon as I think I have something interesting to say!
Until next time..